

Are Squirrels good to have on a Permaculture Farm? Squirrels can actually play a beneficial role in permaculture systems in several ways: <ol> <li> <p><strong>Seed Dispersal</strong>: Squirrels are well-known for burying nuts and seeds for later c

Are Squirrels good to have on a Permaculture Farm?

Squirrels can actually play a beneficial role in permaculture systems in several ways:

  1. Seed Dispersal: Squirrels are well-known for burying nuts and seeds for later consumption, but they often forget about some of them, allowing them to germinate and grow into new plants. This can be especially useful in permaculture systems, where a diverse mix of plants is desirable.

  2. Soil Aeration: As squirrels dig and bury their nuts, they inadvertently aerate the soil, which can help to improve soil structure and promote better drainage. This can be especially helpful in areas where soil compaction is an issue.

  3. Pest Control: While squirrels are often considered pests themselves, they can also help to control other pests in a permaculture system. For example, they may eat insects or rodents that could damage crops.

  4. Nutrient Cycling: Squirrels' natural diet consists of nuts and seeds, which are rich in nutrients. As they consume these foods and defecate, they can help to cycle these nutrients back into the soil, improving soil fertility.

Overall, squirrels can be a valuable part of a permaculture system, helping to promote biodiversity, improve soil health, and control pests in a natural and sustainable way.

This is a short tour of my approximately 300-foot paige wire fence for my pot belly pigs. The enclosure includes our "Pig Fort" created with Hemp Bales and Hay Bales to protect them over the winter. Our Chicken Coop and chicken run are located in the cent

This is a short tour of my approximately 300-foot paige wire fence for my pot belly pigs. The enclosure includes our "Pig Fort" created with Hemp Bales and Hay Bales to protect them over the winter. Our Chicken Coop and chicken run are located in the center of the enclosure as well. I started a 15-acre Permaculture farm in Alberta, Canada. Mobile livestock structures during the summer and using this enclosure over winter.